
dimanche 10 mars 2013

Top 10 Ways to make money from blogs

Publié par Unknown à 10:29
Blogging is one the best profession to make money online, what all we need is small effort and some important tips to start with it. If you have good skill and knowledge about the blogging and writing then get started with blogging.

Here you go with the Top 10 way to make money from your blog

1. Google Adsense

Most of the blog owner likes to choose Google Adsense for publish ads on their blog, because it’s easy to setup and provide many option and high pay per click rates. Just apply in Google Adsense and then wait for getting accepted by them and then just start publishing ads on your blog.

2. Affiliate programs

By recommending or advertising some products on your blog you can earn some commission from them, there 1000s of Online Affiliate Companies which provides this option that you promote their product if someone buys it from your reference then the publisher company will provide you the fixed commission amount, you can earn from 1$ - 1000$.

3. Chitika
It is one of the best alternatives of Google Adsense. It’s easier to become a member of Chitika than being a member of Google Adsense. Once you are accepted as a member of Chitiak then just provide all the details of your blog, After this, you will get  advertisements related your blogging niche.

4. Selling E books
If you have popularity among your visitor’s and they trust you for your blog posts then start your E-book by converting your blog post into E-books and sell them at reasonable cost, you can link your eBooks via PayPal, Amazon, EBay or direct selling via your blog.

5. Amazon Associates
As we know that Amazon is one the best online market, where you can buy and sell your products easily. Yes you can make money just by being Amazon Associate. Signup in Amazon as associate, then advertise Amazon market product on your blog and make money. So many blog owners are making a lot from Amazon advertisement try be one of them.

6. Blog Flipping
If you have more than one blog and you think it’s not easy for you to handle all the blog at a time then the best option is to sell them and just keep one with you the one you think you can be active on that blog. There are so many websites which deal with the blog buying and selling like flippa.

7. Paid polls and surveys
This is a one of the new ways to earn money online from your blog. Just publish the new pools and server provided by you publisher then your readers will be filling these polls and surveys. You will get paid when your readers will be filling the surveys which is posted on your blog. But if you are think to choose this option then be careful from the scams website.

8. Pop up Ads
These ads opens up in small windows on your blog pages, you can make good money from this. But never try use this option if you want your blog community bigger because your visitor’s get irritates when pop-up Ads comes and there is no use of those ads for them.

9. Text Link Ads
Once your blog start getting good traffic then you can apply for the text link ads its really fantastic and it help to earn a good revenue income. Many Ads companies are  provides this option the best I can recommend is (InfoLinks).

10. Speaking Blog
This option is for the famous blogs, which is having 5 figures of Alexa Rank and 2+ Google PR. By writing reviews, promoting the products by blog post etc. It’s one the best way to earn a good amount just by putting small effort on your writing, tech solution companies new site or new online business companies like to make reputation in internet market and for that they need reviews. Try to find those kind companies and do paid reviews for them.

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